Deepavali, or the ‘festival of light’, is one of the most well known Hindu celebrations around the world.

For many Indians this five day festival honours the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.

The faithful illuminate their homes using clay lamps and wicks called ‘Divas’ to welcome the goddess into their homes.

lakshmi goddess

The festival signifying the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance.

For Hindu’s, this is one of the most important festivals of the year where families gather together- donned in an electric display of colours, sequins, and gold- to perform religious and traditional activities together.

deepavali family

Kolams decorate the floors of houses and buildings. Intricate designs made out of coloured powders and rice welcome the goddess and visitors into the premises.

The patterns range between geometric and mathematical line drawings around a matrix of dots to free form art work and closed shapes.

kolam deepavali
Astro Awani has one too!

awani deepavali

Meanwhile, Malaysians, regardless of race and religion, are more than happy to join in on the festivities.

chinese deepavali

neelofa deepavali

Who can forget the food!

deepavali food
deepavali food

Happy Deepavali!