IT is disheartening that Malaysians are confronted by the ugly truth about child sexual abuse, a crime officials preferred not to discuss openly until recently.

The fact remains that social attitudes are shifting; it is no longer taboo to discuss the problem.

Here, Astro AWANI shares some FAQs about child sexual abuse:

1. What is it?

Any sexual activities with a child is considered child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse include touching and non-touching acts.

2. Who are the culprits?

- In most cases, the culprits the people we know, and could even be the people we care the most.

- They can be the fathers, mothers, stepparents, grandparents, and other family members: or they are our neighbours, babysitters, teachers, coaches or anyone else who has close connection with our offspring.

[INFOGRAPHIC]: Myths and facts about child sexual abuse

3. Signs of possible sexual abuse
4. Prevention Methods
5. What to do if you suspect abuse