THE camel just so happens to be my favourite animal. Why? It’s because of all it’s contributions to mankind.

The camel is considered the ship of the desert because it can travel long distances without water in harsh, hot and dry environment.

The mammal can carry enormous amounts of weight, up to 450 kilogrammes, almost double it’s average weight and moves at a steady pace of around five kilometres per hour.

The hump or humps a camel has is fatty tissue that allows it to go for long periods without food. All it does is burn the fat from the hump for energy.

Although it is a domesticated animal and has worked for man for centuries, it still is a stubborn and independent creature that has a mind of it’s own.

The camel has large teeth that it uses as a weapon by biting people or other animals it doesn’t like. It has such an attitude that it is even known to spit at people.

The camel is a beautiful creature too, slender and tall, thick and furry with large round eyes protected by long eyelashes and small ears nicely at the back the head.

So, I am writing this week’s column with much concern and pride.

You see, I am a lover of wildlife and an advocate for the preservation and protection of world's exotic creatures.

We, the human beings aren’t the only ones living on this planet. But somehow, we just seem to think that we own it and we do a lot of irresponsible things.

And because of that, we feel guilty enough that we start all kinds of campaigns calling for the support of preserving wildlife. I'm sure you have seen slogans that read 'Save the Whales, Save the Tigers, Save the Rhinos etc.

Before I meander from the original concern for my jottings, this week I'm all for helping to create a campaign as well, but for a specific animal of my choice.

A campaign to save an animal that is fast becoming vulnerable and if nothing is done, it could end up endangered or even worse, extinct.

I'm taking this opportunity to initiate a worldwide campaign to call for a stop to the despicable act of having sex on the back of camels.

The camel can take a lot of abuse because it is tough. Unfortunately, all it’s toughness is no match for one kind of abuse – people having sex on its back.

A camel has pride and when people start having sex on it’s back, it is degrading and humiliating for the camel that it can cause irreversible psychological scars.

So I implore the readers out there to take up this cause. Come and join me on this mission of saying ‘Stop having sex on the back of camels ...!'